How to use

THE TOTAL VASCULAR FLORA OF SINGAPORE ONLINE is basically the online and more comprehensive version of ‘A Checklist of the Total Vascular Plant Flora of Singapore: Native, Naturalised and Cultivated Species’. [PDF]


  1. Basic Facts: Each blog post contains information about a particular plant species.
  2. Main Entries: To get an idea of what a complete entry should contain please refer to the Contributors page, under “Main Entries”.
  3. What We Have Now: Since it is not an easy task to do the write-ups for every species; for now, we are only uploading pictures and some basic information. Some species like Synogonium podophyllum, Nypa fruticans, and Geophila repens already have the complete entries.


  1. The Search Bar: Just type in the scientific name, common name, habitat or any other key words.
  2. The Index: Search by alphabetical order. Note: All vascular plant species are included in there but only those which are hyperlinked have an entry in this blog.
  3. Browse by Taxnomic Group: Each species is categorised into their taxnomic groups so that you can search through the at family, order, superorder or class level at the right panel. Note: You might want to check the page on Phylogenetic classification to know the classification we use.


  1. Captions: Short captions can be viewed if you hover your mouse over each picture. Note that you have to disable the automatic preview mode which is preset in WordPress first.
  2. Descriptions: Directly below each picture are three categories of information (separate by a semi-colon) about the plant in the picture. The first is the general locality in Singapore (the country will be stated if otherwise), followed by habitat (Cultivated if it is, obviously cultivated; Urban if it is growing spontaneously in urban areas), and lastly, the year taken. Note: If you see a missing category, it means that the information is unavailable.
  3. Copyright: Unless stated otherwise in the watermark of the photograph, all images displayed in this blog are taken by the three contributors and hence, are the copyright owners. Please see Terms of use for more information.


  1. Any Comments: This includes wrong identification, species description and suggestions. Leave a comment entry at any of the species post or other pages of concern. This will help us to have a record of your contributions and also allows easy community participation.

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